Hi, my name is Christie and this is my first post! Phew...I guess the hard part is over, right? If you have anxiety all the parts seem hard and often what feels easier is just not doing it. Anxiety in and of itself will not harm you, even though, it can feel physically painful at times. Sometimes it feels like when you dip your toe in the cold water on a hot day and the automatic response is to take your toe out. Some people say just jump right in and get it over with, others wade in slowly and get used to it and then go in a little more until finally the enjoyment of the cool water is felt. Just like dealing with anxiety no one way is right and finding what works takes practice. Either way you have to feel it to get past it and into the water. I've learned that sometimes, I rip the bandage off while other times I slowly peel it away feeling each painful step. In the end the outcome is the same the bandage is off and the wound is healed.
Christie Kelley
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